Compatriot resettlement program
Compatriots include:
People and their descendants living outside the Russian Federation who have made a free choice in favor of spiritual, cultural, and legal ties with the Russian Federation.
People whose relatives in the direct ascending line previously resided on the territory of the Russian Federation, including:
- People who were citizens of the USSR, living in states that were part of the USSR, who received citizenship of these states or became stateless;
- Immigrants (emigrants) from the Russian state, the Russian Republic, the RSFSR, the USSR and the Russian Federation who had the appropriate citizenship and became citizens of a foreign state or stateless persons.
The following compatriots have the right to participate in the program:
Those living abroad.
Those permanently or temporarily residing in the Russian Federation legally.
Those who have received temporary asylum in the Russian Federation.
A compatriot who has reached the age of 18 can participate in the program. Members of his family can participate in the program together with a compatriot as a special status is provided for them.
You cannot participate in the resettlement program if your entry into the Russian Federation is prohibited or restricted!
The program participant must choose a place of residence, farming or business activity, work or study on the territory of settlement in one of the 76 regions of the Russian Federation. Each of these regions has its own program to facilitate the resettlement of compatriots, which approves regional territories of resettlement, conditions of participation and requirements for resettlers, regional benefits and allowances.
The territories of priority settlement include the regions of the Far East and Eastern Siberia of the Russian Federation: Buryatia, Transbaikal, Kamchatka, Primorsky, Khabarovsky territories, Amur, Irkutsk, Magadan, Sakhalin regions and the Jewish Autonomous Region.
The program does NOT include: St. Petersburg, Moscow, Sevastopol, Moscow and Belgorod regions, Altai and Tyva Republics, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.
The program participant and his family members who are foreign citizens or stateless persons have the right:
To obtain a TRP and subsequent registration of a residence permit and acquisition of Russian citizenship in a priority and simplified manner – within 10-13 months.
To carry out labor activities in the Russian Federation without obtaining a patent.
To pay tax on personal income received from labor activity at a preferential 13 percent rate from the first day of labor activity in the Russian Federation.
To access free education services, medical and social assistance, services of employment centers (when registering temporary and permanent residence in the Russian Federation).
To receive monthly unemployment benefits before acquiring Russian citizenship.
To receive free social assistance during transit through the city of Moscow.
To receive federal and regional measures of special support and compensation for program participants.
Also, this category of people is exempt from paying the state fee for registration at the place of residence.
The full package of state support for migrants includes:
Support and compensation for program participants
Compensation for expenses for moving to a future place of residence by passenger transport.
Compensation for the costs of transporting personal property by sea or rail transport.
Compensation for the cost of paying state fees for processing documents on the status of migrants.
Compensation for customs duties and taxes on the export of personal property from the country of departure.
A one-time allowance for arrangement („lifting allowance“).
Monthly unemployment benefits before acquiring Russian citizenship.
A compensation package for a program participant (services of state and municipal preschools, educational institutions, social services, healthcare and employment services).
Compensations will be paid by the territorial Directorates for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia based on actual, documented expenses after registering a family at a new place of residence.
In territories of priority settlement, allowances are paid in two stages:
Immediately after arrival and registration at the place of stay or registration at the place of residence.
After 18 months from the date of registration at the place of stay or registration at the place of residence in the territory of this category.
A person arriving within the framework of the priority settlement program to a designated area from abroad or another region of the Russian Federation is entitled to receive benefits amounting to 150,000 and 90,000 rubles at the first and second stages of payment, respectively.
If the visitor is a family member of a program participant, they can receive benefits of 70,000 and 50,000 rubles at the first and second stages of payment, respectively.
The program participant and (or) members of his family temporarily legally residing in the territory of priority settlement are paid allowances in the following amounts:
- for the program participant, the benefits amount to 50,000 and 30,000 rubles at the first and second stages of payment, respectively;
- as for family members of the program participant, they are eligible for benefits of 25,000 and 15,000 rubles at the first and second stages of payment, respectively.
In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation participating in the program but not classified as priority settlement areas, lifting allowances are paid at once: 20,000 rubles to a program participant and 10,000 rubles to a family member of the program participant.
Regional state programs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation provide for additional and special benefits, support measures and “lifting payments”, they require additional research from the applicant!
List of documents to submit for participation in the program:
Application for participation in the state program (can be downloaded here).
Photo of the applicant 35×45 mm (black and white or colored).
Originals and notarized copies of documents of the participant and his family members translated into Russian, namely:
- passport and birth certificate;
- documents on marital status;
- documents on education, professional training, work experience;
- other information characterizing the personality, professional skills and abilities;
- documents confirming the right to permanent or temporary residence on the territory of the Russian Federation – TRP, residence permit, or a certificate of temporary asylum (when submitting documents on the territory of the Russian Federation).
From 2024, compatriots wishing to move to the Russian Federation from other countries as part of the state program will have to prove their knowledge of the Russian language.
We are talking about foreign citizens, with the exception of citizens of Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. To confirm your knowledge of the Russian language when applying for participation in the program, you will need to provide a document confirming your education in the Russian Federation or in the territory of a country that was part of the USSR before September 1, 1991, or a document confirming your education issued in another country where Russian is one of the official languages.
In the absence of such documents, the person will need to undergo an interview, based on the results of which an authorized commission will make a decision on the level of Russian language proficiency.
Forms of applications for provision of state guarantees to participants of the State program and members of their families.