About company
  • Is it necessary for foreigners to be present in the Russian Federation to receive the Agency’s services?

    In some cases, we are ready to provide services even to those who are not physically located in the Russian Federation. Our goal is to find solutions for all individuals receiving documents in Russia.

  • Do you help with choosing a region to live in?

    In each case, we prioritize an individualized approach to each client. Taking into account factors such as profession, intended place of work, and the interests of the foreigner, we are prepared to recommend the region where their skills and expertise will be most valued and in demand.

  • Do you help foreign students with admission to Russian universities?

    Unfortunately, we do not provide this service. Our agency helps with obtaining a TRP, residence permit and Russian citizenship.

  • I need to transport things to Russia: do you provide assistance in organizing logistics?

    No, we do not provide this type of service.

About moving to Russia
  • Can a foreign citizen, after receiving a residence permit, register in another region or subject of the Russian Federation?

    After issuing a residence permit, a foreign citizen has the right, at his own choosing, to change his place of residence within the territory of the Russian Federation.

    Within 7 working days from the date of arrival at a new place of residence, a foreign citizen must register for migration with the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the place of residence.

  • Annual notice of residence. Do I need to register once a year with a residence permit and how to do it?

    A foreign citizen must annually notify the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the place of residence about confirmation of his residence in the Russian Federation.

    Annual confirmation of the residence permit is carried out within 2 months from the date of the next year of residence in the residence permit. For example, a foreign citizen who received a residence permit on March 1st, must submit the notification before May 1st of the following year.

    Please note that failure to timely submit an annual notification confirming residence on the territory of the Russian Federation is an administrative offense.

  • Is it possible to obtain a residence permit for a child born on the territory of the Russian Federation to parents who have a residence permit?

    A child born in the Russian Federation after one of the parents has received a residence permit may be issued a residence permit upon the application of said parent. You can apply for a residence permit for a child to the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at your place of residence.

  • Where does a minor child fit in when applying for a residence permit?

    A residence permit is issued to a foreign citizen regardless of age. If it is necessary to obtain a residence permit for a minor, then it is necessary to submit an application for a residence permit for a minor.

    A foreign citizen under the age of 16 is included in the residence permit(s) of his parents (legal representatives) at their request on the basis of an application drawn up in any form. When entering information about a child into the residence permit(s) of parents (legal representatives), a photograph of the child is pasted into the residence permit, regardless of his age.

  • What to do if you have lost your residence permit?

    In case of the loss (theft) of a residence permit, a foreign citizen must, within 3 days, contact the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the place of residence with an application for issuing a residence permit to replace the lost one.

  • Who will receive maximum assistance under the program for the resettlement of compatriots and what determines its size?

    The amount of government support will depend on the region chosen by future migrants. All regions participating in the program will be divided into three categories.

    Strategically important border areas are designated as Category „A“, where government guarantees and comprehensive social support are provided. Category „B“ encompasses territories with significant investment projects and a need for a large workforce. Here, migrants receive all government guarantees and social support, except for unemployment benefits. Category „C“ includes territories with sustainable socio-economic development but experiencing a population decline over the past three or more years. Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in these areas receive state guarantees and social support, along with unemployment benefits and „lifting“ benefits.

  • Will assistance be provided in solving the housing problems of resettlers?

    This question is left to the discretion of the subject of the Russian Federation. Within the framework of a regional program, an entity can provide displaced people, in addition to the basic package of state guarantees, with additional support, including employment and housing.

  • Where can I get complete information about the conditions of admission to certain regions and where should I apply for the program for the resettlement of compatriots?

    An official information package about the state program will be generated, as well as information materials developed by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The dissemination of this information is entrusted to the representative offices of the Federal Migration Service of Russia abroad, as well as to representatives of the Russian Foreign Center. If there is no representative office of the Federal Migration Service in a foreign country (they are just beginning to be created in the CIS countries and other countries), these functions are performed by consular offices of the Russian Federation. A compatriot who has decided to participate in the program submits a personal application here.

  • What status will migrants receive under the program for the resettlement of compatriots and when will they be able to acquire Russian citizenship?

    Having chosen a certain resettlement option and gone through all the necessary procedures, a compatriot acquires the status of a participant in the state program, which secures his rights and obligations and the obligations of the receiving subject of the Russian Federation. The state program participant and his family members are provided with the necessary documents for moving to the Russian Federation, including a special certificate of the state program participant and, if necessary, a visa. By October of this year, changes will be made to regulatory documents that will reduce the time frame and establish a special procedure for obtaining TRPs and residence permits for program participants.

About living in Russia
  • Who can apply for social assistance from the state?
    • families of foreign citizens and stateless persons temporarily or permanently residing in the Russian Federation;
    • foreign citizens with a residence permit;
    • stateless persons;
    • refugees and internally displaced persons.

    In this case, special attention is paid to minor children. Support from the state is expressed not only monetarily, but also in psychological and pedagogical assistance in centers specially created for this purpose. Integrated Social Cooperation Centers (CSSC) interact with authorities and social protection institutions and can help in everyday, legal and medical issues. There you can learn or improve your knowledge of the Russian language so adapting to your new place of residence is as painless as possible.

  • What types of social support can immigrants expect from the government?

    Pension. Old people, like children, fall into the category of the most vulnerable segments of the population. International treaties between the Russian Federation and the CIS countries stipulate rules according to which pensioners who have arrived for permanent residence in the Russian Federation are counted as having worked and have the full right to receive a pension.

    Compulsory Health Insurance (CHI). Every employer is required to submit information about its employees to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation (FSS) in order to insure them. A single social tax is charged on the employee’s salary, and the organization pays compulsory medical insurance contributions for the employee in accordance with the agreement. In case of injury or illness, a migrant may qualify for temporary disability benefits. It follows that everyone who has a temporary residence permit (TRP) or a residence permit (RP) should have a compulsory medical insurance policy. If a migrant works under a patent, he takes out a Voluntary Health Insurance policy (VHI).

    Payments for children. State child benefits are assigned and paid to migrants who have a residence permit, as well as to refugees insured under the social insurance program. Women from other countries have access to a one-time benefit for the birth of a child, maternity benefits, and monthly maternity payments.

    Help for large families. If there are three or more children in a family, then the Russian state assigns additional payments when children go to school, are under three years old, or grow up in a low-income family.

  • What types of pension payments are available to foreign immigrants in the Russian Federation?

    Foreign immigrants living in the Russian Federation may be entitled to the following types of pension payments:

    • An old-age insurance pension is provided to persons who have reached retirement age and have worked in the Russian Federation.
    • A labor pension is provided to foreign citizens who worked in the Russian Federation and accumulated the necessary work experience.
    • A social pension can be provided to people in difficult life situations, for example, disabled people or elderly people with a low income.
  • Who can take out a Compulsory Health Insurance Policy?

    The compulsory medical insurance policy gives foreign citizens the opportunity to receive medical services in hospitals and clinics on an equal basis with citizens of the Russian Federation. The policy itself is also free and is issued on the day of application.

    Which foreigners can apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy:

    • foreigners with a residence permit;
    • foreigners who have a TRP;
    • current citizens of Belarus and the EAEU countries – Armenia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan;
    • refugees and foreigners with temporary asylum.

    Since January 2023, the following categories of foreigners have been added to this list::

    • those who have a patent,
    • those who have been issued a work permit.

    But there are several nuances. For example, a foreigner with a patent or work permit will be able to obtain a policy only if the employer has paid insurance premiums for him for 3 years.

    To apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy for a foreigner for the first time, you need to prepare the originals of the following documents:

    • Passport or other document confirming the identity of a foreigner;
    • Documents confirming the legality of the foreigner’s stay in the Russian Federation;
    • Documents confirming the basis for the right to receive the policy.

    If a foreigner applies for a policy for the first time, he is given an extract from the unified register of insured persons. It contains the personal data of the foreign citizen, barcode, policy number, name and contacts of the insurance company that issued the policy.

  • Which payments from the state are due to foreign citizens who came to the Russian Federation under the program for the resettlement of compatriots?

    Relocation allowances to resettlers can be paid in one or two stages and, depending on the region, range from 20 to 150 thousand per program participant namely for the applicant and from 10 to 70 thousand are paid for each member of the applicant’s family.

    In addition to the one-time relocation allowances, the migrant is entitled to:

    • compensation for payment of consular fees and reimbursement of actual expenses;
    • compensation for the costs of moving to the locality to which the migrant has decided to move;
    • compensation for the costs of transporting personal property to the locality where the migrant is moving;
    • exemption from customs duties for importing a car for personal use;
    • compensation for payment of state duty when registering a TRP and Russian citizenship;
    • monthly unemployment benefit until acquiring citizenship of the Russian Federation (no more than six months).